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On Wed, 7 Feb 2001 17:50:29 PST, Mark Abramowitz wrote:
>In <200102080119.RAA21021@scaup.prod.itd.earthlink.net>, on 02/07/01
> at 05:45 PM, "Steven Levine" said:
>>I don't know. Ask Peter. I was his editorial that suggested it.
>But it seems to me that it's a waste of time to ask someone else to
>administer this, when we already have someone who's agreed to act as
>librarian. You could call it a "special collection" within the library if
>you wanted. As a reminder, we already have tapes in the library.
>>>Isn't the library brought each meeting?
>>I don't know. You've been to meetings. Have you seen it?
>I can't recall. Then again, I'm usually pretty busy at meetings. I
>can't seem to remember any announcements about the library being made in a
>long time. It's *supposed* to be there.
>>Was it used more when it was announced?
>I can't tell you without knowing how much it's used now. ;-)
>But yes, people used to check out items from the library.
I'm not sure who the librarian is since Paul Wirtz left. I know Peter WAS or IS the interim librarian....
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