>Organization: Keller Group
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.72 [en] (Win98; I)
>X-Accept-Language: en
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: mark@kellergroup.com
>Subject: News: Linux Desktop Faxing
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
For Immediate Release
White Bear Lake, Minnesota -- September 22, 2000 -- The top selling fax
software for OS/2 now runs on Linux. A free beta version of PMfax for
Linux is immediately available from www.pmfax.com and Keller Group
intends to provide their entire product line on Linux, OS/2 and other
platforms. The PMfax software provides full-featured fax and voice
features and supports a wide variety of modems and fax hardware. Adding
PMfax to the Linux desktop makes Linux a more complete environment for
many corporate, small office and personal users.
PMfax for Linux has been tested on many Linux distributions including
Red Hat, Caldera, Corel, SuSE, TurboLinux, Mandrake, Peanut and others.
"Reports from testers have been very positive and enthusiastic on all
Linux distributions, and we believe that Linux will be a key platform
for our company," says Mark Ahlstrom, President of Keller Group Inc.
The PMfax product line includes a free PMfax Lite personal version, the
PMfax Pro standalone retail version ($99) and the PMfax LAN fax server
product ($399 and up). With the PMfax version 4 product line, customers
will be able to run the PMfax engines on Linux, OS/2 or other platforms
and LAN products will support any combination of Linux, OS/2, Windows
and NT workstations.
Keller Group, founded in 1990, as been a leader in fax and voice
technology. Keller's FaxWorks OS/2 and PMfax products are the best
selling OS/2 fax software products, and FaxWorks Lite was licensed by
IBM for OS/2 Warp/3 and Warp/4.
For more information, contact Mark Ahlstrom (mark@kellergroup.com).
Keller Group Inc.
Box 10699, White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Voice: 651 429-7273
Fax: 1-800-FAXFAXFax (1-800-329-3293)
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