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I have installed Fixpak 12 but can't install Device Driver Fixpak xr-d001.
Here is what I have done so far.
Downloaded and expanded csf141.exe into g:\fixtool141 on my hard drive.
Downloaded xr-d001.1dk (1.47 mb) and xr-d001.2dk (0.4 mb) into
g:\ddfixpak. g: is on the same drive as my OS/2 system which is in c:
This is what says should be done.
The boulder instructions for installing the fixpak say go on in this way:
Change to g:\fixtool141
From an OS/2 window or full screen enter the following (using my
set set csfutilpath=g:\fixtool141
set csfcdromdir=g:\ddfixpak
This will tell CSF where all the CS code is and where the fixpak is.
Enter SERVICE to begin the Fixpak install.
Entering service starts the CSF program but it halts with the message:
"csfcdromdir is not recognized as a command..." and halts.
I tried this procedure using "setdir=g:\ddfixpak" with the same result.
The read me with the xr_d001.?dk files at boulder says to install the
fixpak this way:
Put the files from expanded csf141.exe on a floppy. I did that.
For each diskette image in the Fixpak, do the following:
When I do that for the XR_DOO1.1DK file in g:ddfixpak, the screen says it
is not a valid image file.
I would sure appreciate someone telling me how to make either of these
procedures install the fixpak or outlining another one that wil work. I
have not tried changing to the g:\ddfixpak directory and then typing
g:\fixtool141\service in an OS/2 window.
Thanks in advance.
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