> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mark,
> .......................
I don't know if anyone else noticed it, but after his presentation
at SCOUG's general meeting, Chis was quoted in a full page
article in the Orange County Register on Thursday, 16 Nov. 2000,
News section, page 10
"Is Your Home Computer Secure? A PIT BULL FOR YOUR PC"
by Tamara Chuang. It also had a picture of a Linksys 'device' and some
info on it, all as part of a larger story on network security for
home users.
This article was reprinted at least in the following Sunday
(19 Nov. 2000) early 'Bulldog' (Saturday) edition.
Anyway, you saw it first at SCOUG (thanks to Marks efforts.) !
Dallas E. Legan II / leganii@surfree.com / dallasii@kincyb.com
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