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Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 00:21:54 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-General: Sundial To Announce Trailblazing Email Technology At Warpstock

Content Type: text/plain

Note from Peter Skye: The following announcement is from a local OS/2

Contact Carla Hanzlik,
For immediate release

Sundial To Announce Trailblazing Email Technology At Warpstock

New Junk Spy Software Becomes Your Email Connection

Junk Spy is the newest OS/2 software product from Sundial

"It's new technology and it intercepts your junk email,"
says Randell Flint, President of Sundial. "You connect your
favorite email program to Junk Spy, and Junk Spy then connects
to your mail server. Junk Spy sees your email before your
mail program does and watches for any trash messages. We've
been in development on this technology for two years."

There's a lot more inside Junk Spy than just a set of
filters. "We also supply a database of spammer clues which we
continually update, the same as an antivirus program," says
Flint. "We watch the message titles, the contents of the
messages and the information in the headers. We've tested and
tested and tested. Spam messages are no match for Junk Spy."

Junk Spy is important technology, and a seminar on the
product's underlying logic plus a demonstration of the software
is scheduled for Saturday at Warpstock.

"I'm speaking on the technology we developed during the
creation of Junk Spy," says Rollin White, Development Manager
for Junk Spy at Sundial. "We'll cover the methods that Junk
Spy uses to connect between your email program and the mail
server, the research we did to make the product easy to use,
and of course the Junk Spy engine itself that uses the
database of rules and knowledge that catches the spam
messages. We paid particular attention to the problem of
'false hits', since we don't want mail you are really
interested in to be misidentified as junk."

Junk Spy can be fine tuned as much as the user desires.
The Junk Spy control panel lets you adjust the individual
detectors inside it, and you can define exceptions such as
the acceptance of any spam messages that contain the string
"OS/2". You can even create your own detectors. The user
keeps total control of exactly how trash messages are handled.

And the Junk Spy database can update automatically if the
user chooses. "We've set up monitoring facilities to search
for new kinds of junk mail," adds Flint. "Our database gets
better and better, and you can set Junk Spy to automatically
update from our database. That's a user option. Plus, Junk
Spy also uses the Realtime Blackhole List of known spam
origination sites."

Sundial has the answer for the world's nastiest spammers,
and that answer is Junk Spy.

Bring Junk Spy into your own office to watch over your
email. Let it be your own personal secret agent, spying on
your incoming mail for the dastardly junk that steals your
time. Junk Spy will do a quick and easy 007 on the trash you
don't want in your neighborhood.

Sundial wants you to fire up Junk Spy and get back to using
email the way you want it to be - in your control and
well-protected from the dregs of spammerworld.
Sundial Systems Corporation
909 Electric Avenue, Suite 204
Seal Beach, California 90740 USA
"Sundial Has The Answers"

# # # # #


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SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group. OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.