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Content Type: text/plain wrote:
> When I tried to install Warp 4 on my IBM E-76, the system said the
> Mouse was not responding and aborted the installation.
> The IBM computer system has an 8Gig HD with one FAT32 partition,
> which I had modified with Partition Magic (PowerQuest)and formatted a
> partition for Warp in FAT.
> Will '95 prevent Warp 4 from being installed?
> Since OS/2 cannot read FAT32 partitions, is there a way that I can
> install Warp 4 and then '95.
> These are probably rather simple and naive questions, but any help
> will be appreciated.
> Rev. Randell E. Tonn
> RandyTonn@IBM.NET
Hi Randy,
I don't know what an E-76 is. The following is generic for most
1. To read FAT32 partitions on Warp, see:
I've not used the driver, but someone told me it works on his machine.
2. I've got Win95 installed on one machine here along with Warp 4. On
that machine I installed DOS 6.22 first, Win95 second, and Warp 4 last.
(I used Win95 to check HTML on Microsoft's browser.) I'm told that the
Win95 installation rewrites the boot records on every partition on your
first drive, so if you install Warp 4 first you'll have to FDISK /NEWMBR
to restore its boot record after Win95 zaps it (it's just one sector, no
big deal).
3. I'm assuming your 8 GB drive is IDE, not SCSI. Because you've got a
big drive, you'll need the IDEDASD.EXE package from IBM. Download it
and read the README; it contains some replacement drivers to handle big
drives like your 8 GB.
4. What kind of mouse are you using, and how is it connected? (Bus
mouse, COM2 port, USB, ...?)
5. I don't know what kind or how much data you'll have on your hard
drive, but why not partition it so Win95 and Warp 4 are each in a
separate primary partition and the data is in a third partition? That
way, each operating system is "hidden" from the other since only one
primary partition at a time is given a drive letter (the other one just
sits there dormant until you reboot and select it). As for FAT32, you
might also see if Win95 can support HPFS (I don't know if it can or
not). If Win95 can support HPFS, you might want to use that instead of
6. Are you near Santa Ana? Can you bring the machine to the SCOUG
Installation Workshop in two weeks? (If you can, download the above
software before you show up.)
Hope some of this helps,
- Peter Skye
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