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Date: | Tue, 1 Dec 1998 00:15:29 PST |
From: | "Virginia R. Hetrick" < > |
Reply-To: | |
To: | POSSI Discussion < > , SCOUG General mailing list < >, |
Subject: | SCOUG-General: downloading old messages in NS4 |
Content Type: text/plain
I'm still having a problem downloading messages that were left on the
server in NS 4. Things are getting kind of dire on this end.
Basically, I leave the messages on the server and periodically want to
download them to my archive. But, NS4 doesn't allow me to download the
"old" messages to the archive at all. I've tried renaming the inbox and
inbox.snm to persuade it that there are NO messages in my system, but it
still somehow knows.
Has ANYBODY solved this problem yet? Using another mailer is not an
option at this point.
\ / Virginia R. Hetrick, here in sunny California
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