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Virginia R. Hetrick wrote:
> The browsers are all in mmos2. They are:
> ab.exe audio browser
> ib.exe image browser
> vb.exe video browser
Thanks, Virginia, that's a start and very helpful. If I switch to
\MMOS2, the macaw video plays when I run the following from the command
I'm still a little confused, though. If I bring up the \MMOS2\MOVIES
window and right-click on MACAW.AVI, and then select OPEN AS, there are
four choices. When I click on the first or second choice, I get what
appears to be the IB.EXE viewer. But when I click on the third or
fourth choice, the view window appears to be different.
The IB.EXE file is very small -- not big enough to actually be doing the
work. I did a character dump of the IB.EXE file and found two
references to MPPM.EXE. MPPM.EXE is also a very small file, in fact the
same size as IB.EXE. I ran a compare on the two and they turned out to
be identical! Don't know why.
There are also references to DLLs named CDAUDIO.DLL, MMPARTS.DLL,
MMPMCRTS.DLL, MMPTMRI.DLL, plus PMWIN.DLL (I doubt this last one
contains any digital image viewer code). One (or more) of these DLLs
apparently contains the viewer code.
Do you (or anybody) know where I can find some documentation on this
- Peter Skye
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December |
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